Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lydia Listened and Was Eager to Learn

This week’s Scripture: Acts 16: 6-40

My Thoughts: Paul spoke to the women at the prayer meeting by the river on the Sabbath. Lydia listened to Paul speak of his faith. She learned how everyone listening needed to hear his words and accept the Savior about whom he spoke. God opened Lydia’s heart to hear the words and believe. She was quick to respond to Paul’s message. Lydia publicly accepted the life-changing words and confessed she was a believer.

There at the river Lydia listened, heard, believed, and confessed. She was so excited that she immediately shared her saving knowledge of the Lord by witnessing to her whole household! Lydia and the members of her household were baptized. They buried their old life and took on a new life with God in charge.

I am impressed with how quickly Lydia heard and responded to God opening her heart. How often have I listened to a Sunday morning message and known that God was speaking to me and yet I held back from responding. We can learn from Lydia that when God takes a step toward us, our response is to step toward Him!

I can understand Lydia’s eagerness to learn all she could about God. I have the same hunger. I can imagine her quietly leaning in as Paul talked to her group about things she had never heard before. This was about a real person, Jesus. He was the long awaited Messiah. She heard that Jesus died for her sins, was resurrected, and was in Heaven with God to intercede for her. Her hope was now in Christ and His resurrection. Because He lives Lydia could ask for forgiveness and rest on Him for her salvation. The door to God was opened for Lydia and the others. Lydia listened, learned, believed, and acted on her faith. Lydia’s life wasn’t the same as a result of her response.

I feel blessed to know Jesus is my savior. I know I have the Holy Spirit to help keep me on track and to help me with my words when I want to pray and worship. I don’t remember when I first came to know this. But I can imagine how excited Lydia must have been to receive the Good News!

Lydia was the key person to spread the gospel increasing the number of Christians in Philippi and beyond. She was willing to seek God, follow Him, and be obedient to Him. What she did had no limits because God has no limits in what he can accomplish through one person who is willing.

What I learned through Lydia’s story today was that believing and worshiping God is not enough. We must Confess our sins, know and accept Christ; that He paid for our sins once and for all. True worship and fellowship with God begins when the way to God is opened to us through our faith.

Scripture I am thinking on today: That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
(Romans 10:9-10 NIV)

Pray using your own words: Praise God for Lydia’s faithfulness in being a part of the prayer group at the river and her acceptance of the gospel of Christ. Ask Him to melt your heart like He did Lydia’s so it will be open to what He can do in your life. Ask Him to knock down any walls that prevent God from moving in your life. Ask Him to help you encourage others by telling them about what He is doing in your life and what He can do in theirs.

Blog Comments: Please leave your thoughts on the blog comments. You can also email me using the contact info on the right column of this blog.

1 comment:

Judy Webb said...

Good Morning Judy,
Lydia's story is certainly a testimony to pay attention too. I admire her faith and her willingness to share with her family. God certainly used her faithfulness in a mighty way. I will reflect on Lydia's courage, as I step into this week. Thanks for sharing.

Judy too