Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Be Patient With Everyone

"And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone." (1 Thessalonians 5:14 NIV)

God wants us to be in relationship with others. When a variety of people are brought together, godly patience is necessary from everyone.

Post Comment: What helps you show patience with family members, friends, fellow Christians, people at sports events, whoever comes into your daily life? What makes it hard to exhibit patience?


Judy Mathis said...

I happen to be a person who finds enjoyment in whatever I am doing. Likewise I can find something to like in anyone. I thank my mother for passing this on to me. I realize it keeps my blood pressure down. Actions and attitudes that make someone difficult to be with, I accept as who they are. It’s just them being who they have always been. I let it go. My being impatient is not going to change who they are.

That being said, I find a couple of things very difficult to accept. Any show of disrespect or rudeness raises my annoyance and my impatience levels. This is especially true if it happens within my immediate family and friends. I find being honest, explaining what is offensive and why in a calm, patient, and loving manner is the best approach. Frequently it is a learning situation for everyone. It is not always easy. But any other approach risks raising the level to anger and may take people places that would lead to regret. Experience has shown me that speaking in love more frequently leads to patience, kindness and peace.

Anonymous said...

I love the topic of patience. As I age, I seem to be getting better although I have a long way to go. Unfortunately, small worldy situations get in the way. I was on hold for approx. 30 minutes yesterday with a recording saying "your wait is 3 minutes...thank you for holding !!!" Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....and the more I waited the angrier I got yet I wanted and needed to talk to a customer service person. I was polite but did express displeasure at the wait. I also thought...this is NOT a problem...get a grip and move on. I'd like to say I exert patience all the time, but I don't. Thanks for a good lesson !!!

Judy Mathis said...

Ha HA...I love your story! Thanks for sharing. We all fight the battle of bouncing back and forth between how we should be and how we are. We at least recognize that we can do better...that's part of the battle won.