"God will strengthen you with His own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient." (Colossians 1:11 NCV)
Post Comment: When have you experienced God's power of patience even within stressful or difficult times? What can you do to make your patience work better within these times?
Post Comment: When have you experienced God's power of patience even within stressful or difficult times? What can you do to make your patience work better within these times?
I was trying to get out of a highly stressful, emotional situation. The significant words are, “I was trying”. My heart and my mind became frozen by circumstances. I was impatient with myself as I couldn't move out and away from where I was. I couldn’t even find the words to pray. I couldn’t find the words or the strength to reach for Him but I had friends who prayed for me and with me. God heard the prayers of my friends. God literally pulled me out of where I was and put me in a peaceful place. As I healed and looked back, I realized that God had been by my side waiting patiently for me to turn to Him, as I knew I could and had done many times. When I wasn’t able, He sent my friends. He showed His patience and love. He rescued me from myself and the situation. He reminded me of His constant presence and His ever-present help. Sometimes we need our friends to hold us up and pray for the things we need when we can’t find the words or are impatient with strength we find within us. God hears the prayers of friends.
Wonderful comments on the post. I do believe that God hears the prayers of friends. I was talking last night with a woman whose son recently committed suicide at at 23. She told me that she could feel the prayers of her friends and family lifting her up and protecting her; keeping her close to God during the days that she didn't have the words. Our God is truly and awesome and amazing God.
Judy too
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