"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior was shown, he saved us because of his mercy. It was not because of good deeds we did to be right with him. He saved us through the washing that made us new people through the Holy Spirit. God poured out richly upon us that Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Savior. "
Titus 3:4-6 (NCV)
Post Comment: Do you feel released? Do you struggle through accepting God’s kindness, love and mercy?
Titus 3:4-6 (NCV)
Post Comment: Do you feel released? Do you struggle through accepting God’s kindness, love and mercy?
Good Morning Judy,
Kindness is a good topic for me this morning. As I reflect on how far God has brought me over the past 10 years I can see how much he has softened my heart. Kindness was not in my vocabulary for many years of my life. I went around like a bull in a china shop, pushing people out of my way, making sure that no one could get close. My thinking was, "if they can't get close, I can't get hurt".
Once I learned about Jesus and discovered how good life is with other people in my life I had to cultivate this kindness thing. Having accepted God's kindness to me I learned to extend kindness to others - and the circle would begin. I can't imagine life any other way. God is good!
Judy too
Yes, Judy, God is good! I am in awe at what He has done for me! I am saved. I am saved not by anything I have done, and not because I deserve it. I am saved because of God’s kindness, love and mercy on me, a sinner. It is His gift through his son, Jesus, that I am saved from a life of sin. My sins are washed away. Through the Holy Spirit I am made new. I am moved into a life of being led by the Holy Spirit, who continually renews my heart. How free I feel through being released and rescued from myself. I can not save myself; I cannot do anything without God’s kindness, love and mercy. His presence gives me life, purpose, direction and produces the fruit of the Spirit. That being said, each day I struggle to do the things I should and not do the things I shouldn’t. I struggle through each day with its stresses and demands trying to keep God in focus. It’s not easy but it is getting easier the more I learn about HIM, and the more I remember to look for Him in the midst of life happenings. I love your picture, Judy, of the circle of kindness. Because I treasure God's kindness to me I want, likewise, to extend kindness to others. A great thought to start the week!
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