Friday, February 27, 2009

The Results of Your Generosity

"You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." 2 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV)

Post Comment: Is there something about Goodness that you hadn’t considered before this week’s discussion?

Pray: Do you want to have more goodness in your life? Ask for the Spirit's help as you take steps toward living as His chosen.

Next Week’s Topic: Faithfulness

1 comment:

Judy Mathis said...

Paul says that God will continuously bless you in many ways if you are generous. God will give you all you need so you can take every opportunity to be good to others. The result of your generosity will be that people will not only be supplied with their needs but, in appreciation, will thank God for what you have done. And you will be blessed.

Looking at goodness this week I know that letting the light of Christ shine in my life, allows goodness to happen. I know what is good but I can get in the way of the light shining through me. Therefore I lose out on a lot of the blessings God wants to give me. Others are not blessed as well. I need to be more careful allowing God to work through me daily. Spending time with God makes a difference in how I handle my day; how and if I allow the light to shine through me and onto others.

Next Week’s Topic: Faithfulness