Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be Kind to One Another

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

Post Comment: Paul gave these instructions to the Ephesians as part of a warning not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Are you grieving or pleasing? What helps you maintain a kinder attitude toward others?


Judy Mathis said...

Love...it seems like the most powerful fruit I can possess. Without love I can’t be kind. I don’t care about being kind. I’m not a vessel that pours out kindness without love. To be kind to others, I don’t have to be IN love with them. I have to show them love. Showing love for me usually includes being kind, patient, and gentle. Occasionally I need to possess self-control. Loving doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything but self-control can help keep things peaceful. Building someone up with joy makes my day. Love is the power behind kindness. My love is imperfect. But I have a perfect Father. Every day I pray for the Holy Spirit to create more love in my heart, more of the fruit that should spill out of me because of His perfect love. God continues to patiently work it out in me.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading some motivational passages and one way to help yourself is to help others. That takes the focus off self. I'm always amazed at how that works.......

Judy Mathis said...

I like your thinking...make it less about me and more about helping others! Thanks!