Monday, June 8, 2009

Read God's Word Daily

Scripture: For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God…the word of the Lord stands forever.
1 Peter 1:23, 25

Talk it: You were born into the world by earthly parents and someday your life on earth will end. You are born again because of God’s mercy. God’s Spirit, which lives within you, makes you new. Reading and learning God’s Word is an important connection. It reveals the gospel message and illustrates the importance of repentance and belief in what Christ has done for you. You can put your faith and hope in God. As God raised Christ from the dead, He will also raise you to live eternally.

Live it: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16
To grow in your faith you must discipline yourself to read God’s Word daily. It is a vital part of your Christian life to know the Bible, God’s Word, and to have a relationship with the Lord. Don’t just look for verses that fit your circumstances. Study the entire Word of God. How will you be in touch with what God is asking of you and what He wills for your life if you don’t know Him or what He is saying? What is keeping you from reading and studying
your Bible daily?

Your faith and trust in God will grow stronger as you carry God’s Word in your heart and mind. Remembering God’s Word, and His promises will take you through difficult times, joyous times, loneliness, and feelings of inadequacy. They will give you love, comfort, power, peace and absolutely
everything you need.

Bible Gateway has many choices to help you read through the scriptures. Click on the Bible Gateway link in the right column of my blog. Click on the Reading Plans link in the left column when Bible Gateway opens.
Find a plan that works for you.

Pray It! Precede your readings with a quiet time of prayer asking God to open your eyes to understanding what He wants you to know from your reading time. Read your selected scripture. Close your quiet time with prayer.

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