Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Read God's Word Daily (2)

His Word Should be Hidden in Your Heart

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11

Scripture Comments: Keeping God’s Word in your heart discourages
sin in your life.

Comments: We must read and study God’s Word, pray, and live our lives according to God’s instruction. We are capable of sinning and should never let our guard down on what is in our heart. We must carefully consider God’s Word and bring His Word into our daily living as a guide, allowing it to change us. Our thoughts, attitudes and actions must grow and change to reflect what God wants
us to be and to do.

Keeping his Words in our hearts and minds will help us understand more and more. We will grow in our faith. If we do nothing with the Word God has given us, it is as if we are refusing God and His Spirit within us, we are blind, deaf, and God can not use us.

Is reading God’s Word part of your daily routine? Are you practicing God’s Word in your life? Are you sharing God’s Word or your
stories with others?

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