Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Read God's Word Daily

Reading His Word Gives You Hope

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures
we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Talk it! The more you know about what God has done in the past, the more you can trust and have confidence in what He will do in the future. Diligently reading God’s Word can encourage you, help you persevere and give you hope.

Live it! Read your Bible daily to build your trust in God and His will for you. Reading His Word is the way to get to know God. Be encouraged by other believers you meet in the Bible
as you read their stories.

Your hope will grow through reading His Word!
Open your Bible or Use the Bible Gateway link to read the following:

  • The stories of the saints whom God helped: Hebrews 11
  • The hope and power of Christ living in you by the
    Holy Spirit: Romans 5: 1-5
  • God remaining with you to help you, to
    rescue you: Psalm 46: 1-2
  • Endurance and encouragement through trials and
    temptations: James 1: 2-4
Consider journaling your own stories of times when you have seen God helping you through difficulties in your own life. What scriptures came forward to comfort or direct you? Looking back at these notes during future tough times will remind you of the love and contentment you felt in His care. This will give you hope, trust and
strength to make it through.

Take every opportunity to share your stories of God’s care with others. This will show and encourage them of the hope that is in Christ, His constant presence in everyday happenings, and the insights realized
through reading His Word.

Pray It! Precede your readings with a quiet time of prayer asking God to open your eyes to understanding what He wants you to know from your reading time. Read your selected scripture. Close your quiet time with prayer.

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