Friday, June 19, 2009

Read His Word Daily

His Words tell you what to do

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
James 1:22

Scripture Comments: Just listening or reading God’s Word won’t do anything for us. We must obey God’s Word and do what it tells us. We are not just gathering knowledge of the scriptures. Our knowledge should lead us to applying God’s Word to our lives. God’s Word should not only enter our minds but our hearts as well.

Comments: Living our lives as Christ wants assures us that we belong to Him. Our thoughts, actions and attitudes are to show love toward others. Our lives should be lived in a way that honors God. Reading His Word and praying daily keeps us on the right path and in step with His Spirit.

This Week: Thoughts on Reading His Word Daily
Monday – God’s Word is Living and Active
Tuesday – His Word Should be Hidden in Your Heart
Wednesday – His Words are a Joy to Our Heart
Thursday – His Words are a Light Unto Your Path
Friday – His Words Tell you What to Do

Bible Gateway has many choices to help you read through the scriptures. Click on the Bible Gateway link in the right column of my blog. Click on the Reading Plans link in the left column when Bible Gateway opens. Find a plan that works for you.
Precede your readings with a quiet time of prayer asking God to open your eyes to understanding what He wants you to know from your reading time. Read your selected scripture. Close your quiet time with prayer.
Next Week: YOU Choose Your Attitude

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