Thursday, June 18, 2009

Read His Word Daily

His Words are a light unto your path

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105

Scripture Comments: When the electricity goes out, we reach for flashlights or candles, anything that will light our way in the dark. Likewise, God’s Word is our light to show us the way. It reveals lessons, attitudes, commands or examples we can apply to our daily lives. It reveals a God who loves us, takes care of us, and lights our path in the darkness of this world.

Comments: Everywhere we look we see temptations and distractions to living our lives as God wants us to. How can we get through this darkness? We can’t get through this world on our own. We have to have someone who can guide us; someone with power to take the things that surround us off our minds. We must not only have God’s Words in our minds, but we must practice them in our daily lives. We must read and study His Words. We must pray asking for the Spirit’s help to remain in step with what God wants us to do and to be. Are you turning to God’s Word to be your light, your joy, your hope or are you turning away trying to make it on your own?

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