Friday, June 12, 2009

Read God's Word Daily

His Words Nourish Our Cravings

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 1 Peter 2:2

Talk it! Newborn babies crave milk. They demand nourishment and receiving it they grow. When we read God’s Word, our hearts and minds should desire to read more in the same way a baby craves more milk. We find nourishment in God’s Word and learning about Christ and about salvation. We cannot stay babies. We must grow by constantly feeding on God’s Word. Feeding our Spiritual craving creates a more mature faith.

Live it! Reading God’s Word daily allows you to see more and more of the Lord’s goodness. As you read your desire to know more about God, His Son and His Spirit increases. The more you read God’s Word, the less you will crave worldly attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, and actions. Reading God’s Word will fill your life with hope, comfort, security, peace, joy, self-control; everything you need. You will grow to trust God, who created you, to constantly be with you loving you, taking care of you, saving you and through His mercy give you life in eternity. Feed your Spiritual craving daily. Grow up in your faith, in your salvation.

I pray that God has spoken to you through what has been discovered in the scriptures this week. You cannot stay where you are in your relationship with God. You need to take steps to nourish and grow in your faith and trust daily. Reading His Word daily and being in prayer will allow God to bless you in many ways.

Pray it! How are you doing at meeting God daily in His Word? Take your thoughts to God in prayer.

Next Week: Read God's Word Daily - Part Two

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