Friday, May 8, 2009

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray, Part 2

Friday – Pray Daily: A.C.T.S. - Put it together

A – Adoration – As you go through your day, pause and praise Him for His great love, His faithfulness and who He is to you at that moment.

C – Confession – Turn to God admitting your sin and asking forgiveness. Ask for guidance and strength to not repeat your sin and to let go of it, forgiving yourself.

T – Thanksgiving – There are so many things to be thankful for, in hard times and good times.

S – Supplication – Make requests for you and also get outside yourself. Pray for your family, a sick or troubled friend, missionaries, neighbors, your church…

Prayer is not about a formula, such as A.C.T.S., but it can help you launch your prayer life. I hope that this week has been meaningful to you whether prayer is a new experience or a daily habit.

Pause now, bow your head and pray…just talk and listen to God.

How does prayer make a difference in your life? Share thoughts in your comments

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