Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Get Through Hard Times: Live in the Spirit

We have been looking at attitudes to live by. We know what God expects of us. This week we will be looking at how the Spirit can help us grow and develop attitudes to live as God expects.

The Holy Spirit is with us. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer and this should show in our character, our attitudes, and the way we live our lives. Good character and good attitudes take time to grow in our lives. They require our constant attention to keep in step with the Holy Spirit. Walking with the Holy Spirit means asking and allowing the Holy Spirit to strengthen and direct us in what we need. We stay in touch with the Holy Spirit through prayer, daily reading of scripture, and a heart’s desire to follow God’s will for us. We know what God expects of us. We know we need and have the Holy Spirit to help us meet His expectations.

Tuesday – The Holy Spirit Lives in You

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Sprit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

Talk it! Paul was talking about the character of the church or Christian community. Corinth had pagan temples but Corinthian Christians, themselves, were the only temple for God. Every believer is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer and this should show in our character, our attitudes, and the way we live our lives.

Live it! Are you growing more Christlike in your attitudes or have your circumstances caused you to slip onto a different path? Who or what is guiding your life? Are you allowing your circumstances to crowd God out of your day? Where can you pay more attention toward giving more time to God? Choose to spend more time in prayer and studying scripture to get to know God and the Spirit that lives in you.

Pray it! Thank God for His Holy Spirit. Especially during hard times, ask for the Sprit to give you guidance and strength. Ask Him to renew your mind and heart each day. Ask Him to help you strengthen your desire to hang on to the hope that comes through walking in the Spirit through any of life circumstances.

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