Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Attitudes to Live By

Tuesday: Attitude of Self-control
Wednesday: Attitude of Patience
Thursday: Attitude of Doing Good
Friday: Attitude of Content

Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28 (NIV)

Many times we can’t do anything about our circumstances. However, we can do something about our attitudes and moods while we are moving through hard times. Honoring God by doing what He has told us He wants us to be doing should be on our hearts through good times and bad times.

Scripture Comment: We usually think of anger when we think of self-control. However there are many other situations requiring self-control. Recent examples of the US and world-wide financial problems are being traced to individuals and companies with uncontrolled greed. Professional athletes have shown lack of self-control when faced with choices. We assume these people knew what was right, but lack of self-control caused their lives to break down. Alcohol abuse and sexual misconduct, in the news daily, are other items that require self-control. Self-control is NOT always easy. Getting back self-control involves making personal choices, better choices than the path currently being chosen. Lacking self-control usually takes people places where they don’t want their lives to go…where God is not leading. Are you making choices that lead you away from what is good for you and others? Are you allowing yourself to be led away from God and what you know He wants of you? Pray. You can always rely on God to help you when you are weak, feel helpless or don’t know what to do. Perhaps ask a trusted friend to pray with you or choose to attend a Christian recovery program. It is so easy to slip off the path if you don’t pay attention. During hard times, especially, when walls seem to weaken or crumble in your life, you need to pay special attention to what or who is controlling your life.

Pray: Do you have a place in your life you might call a “broken down wall”? Ask God for help in knowing and doing what will help you gain more self-control.
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