Know the Spirit of Truth
The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:17 (NIV)
Talk it! The world doesn’t look for God. It doesn’t recognize that God exists. Jesus wasn’t accepted by the world in the same way that the Spirit is not accepted. But we, as believers, know Him because “he lives with [us] and will be in [us]”. Anyone who sincerely and humbly reaches out, in faith, to Jesus, can experience the gift of the Spirit.
Live it! Anyone who sincerely and humbly reaches out, in faith, to Jesus, can experience God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. Stay in prayer and reading scripture daily to grow in your knowledge of the extent of His love and His will for you. God, His love, His desire to have a relationship with you and help you live in this world through the good times and the bad is clear. When things get tough pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you, comfort you, and give you peace.
Pray it! “Heavenly Father, help me live in Your Spirit. Renew my heart. Fill it with more faith, hope and love to help me live according to your will. Thank you for daily transforming me. Help me be aware of the attitudes and choices I make, that I may bring honor and glory to you. [Continue praying in your own words.]
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”