Friday, May 29, 2009

Get Through Hard Times: Live in the Spirit

Know the Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:17 (NIV)

Talk it! The world doesn’t look for God. It doesn’t recognize that God exists. Jesus wasn’t accepted by the world in the same way that the Spirit is not accepted. But we, as believers, know Him because “he lives with [us] and will be in [us]”. Anyone who sincerely and humbly reaches out, in faith, to Jesus, can experience the gift of the Spirit.

Live it! Anyone who sincerely and humbly reaches out, in faith, to Jesus, can experience God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. Stay in prayer and reading scripture daily to grow in your knowledge of the extent of His love and His will for you. God, His love, His desire to have a relationship with you and help you live in this world through the good times and the bad is clear. When things get tough pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you, comfort you, and give you peace.

Pray it! “Heavenly Father, help me live in Your Spirit. Renew my heart. Fill it with more faith, hope and love to help me live according to your will. Thank you for daily transforming me. Help me be aware of the attitudes and choices I make, that I may bring honor and glory to you. [Continue praying in your own words.]
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get Through Hard Times: Live in the Spirit

Let the Spirit Guide you

[Life by the Spirit] “So I say, live by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”
Galatians 5:16 (NIV)

Talk it! Living “by the spirit” should be a daily undertaking by Christians. We should be in touch with Him and focus on His guidance, direction and correction daily. When we do this, we do not “gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” We, as sinners are transformed when we are under the control of the Holy Spirit. Our success in overcoming our sinful selves depends on how much we are willing to “live by the spirit.” This involves many decisions throughout your day.

Live it! During difficult times do you seek God’s direction for your life? Are you as willing to “live by the spirit” during the difficult times as you are in the good times? Check your life. Do you need to remove things in your life that are taking you in a direction God doesn’t want you to go? Have you developed attitudes that negatively affect your life, your relationships with family and friends, and your sense of hope? Draw close to God through prayer, reading, and studying His Word each day. Make time with God more important than anything else everyday during difficult times. Take action to assure you are following the Spirit’s leading and direction in your attitudes, choices, and decisions.

Pray it! Thank God for His blessings and His continued presence in your life. Ask Him to strengthen your faith, to help you grow in relying on Him to provide what you need when you feel overwhelmed and uncertain. Pray that your attitudes, words and actions show your gratitude for what Jesus did for you on the cross! Ask Him to help you forgive others as you have been forgiven. Pray for a life lived in faith, hope and love; a heart that desires to live under the control of the Spirit within you whatever your circumstances.
Post comments or email me using the link found at the top of the right column.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Get Through Hard Times: Live in the Spirit

Guard the Truth

Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you – guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
2 Timothy 1:14

Talk it! Paul told Timothy to guard the truth that had been entrusted to him. Timothy was to teach it to others who would teach it to others and on and on. Centuries later we have the true gospel because Timothy and others guarded the truth. We are likewise commanded to entrust the truth to others. Only “with the help of the Holy Spirit” is the truth passed on and protected.

Live it! How do you handle your life when you go through hard times? Does your life reflect the same joy and hope God has given you in good times? Do you hold on to the truth that God is with you in good and bad times? Do you remain with Him whatever your circumstances or do hard times cause you to wander from His care? You are to “guard the good deposit that is entrusted to you” during ALL times, good times and bad. During difficult times, look for what is “good” in your life. You need to focus on it. Hold on to what is good in your life. God gives you hope, comfort and strength through His blessings which helps you move through difficult times. Take every opportunity to share your stories of God’s loving care with others. As others see the peace and comfort you have in Him, during your hard times, it will draw them to Him. Share the hope you have especially with those in your own family. Make every effort to spend more time with God in prayer and in studying His Word. This will renew your heart and mind with His love and His constant presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you take steps to live your life as God asks as you pass on the truth to others!

Pray it! Praise the Lord for who He is and what He continues to do each day in your life. Pray that the Spirit will open your eyes, ears and heart to the opportunities God sets before you to share and pass on the faith and trust you have in Him. Ask Him to equip you with what you need to step out in faith and obedience even when times are tough. Ask Him to help you through your experiences to grow and change in ways you can be more useful to Him. Ask Him to help the desire on your heart to be a reflection of more of Him in your life each day in a way that brings honor to Him.

Please post your thoughts or email me using the link found at the top of the right column.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Get Through Hard Times: Live in the Spirit

We have been looking at attitudes to live by. We know what God expects of us. This week we will be looking at how the Spirit can help us grow and develop attitudes to live as God expects.

The Holy Spirit is with us. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer and this should show in our character, our attitudes, and the way we live our lives. Good character and good attitudes take time to grow in our lives. They require our constant attention to keep in step with the Holy Spirit. Walking with the Holy Spirit means asking and allowing the Holy Spirit to strengthen and direct us in what we need. We stay in touch with the Holy Spirit through prayer, daily reading of scripture, and a heart’s desire to follow God’s will for us. We know what God expects of us. We know we need and have the Holy Spirit to help us meet His expectations.

Tuesday – The Holy Spirit Lives in You

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Sprit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

Talk it! Paul was talking about the character of the church or Christian community. Corinth had pagan temples but Corinthian Christians, themselves, were the only temple for God. Every believer is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer and this should show in our character, our attitudes, and the way we live our lives.

Live it! Are you growing more Christlike in your attitudes or have your circumstances caused you to slip onto a different path? Who or what is guiding your life? Are you allowing your circumstances to crowd God out of your day? Where can you pay more attention toward giving more time to God? Choose to spend more time in prayer and studying scripture to get to know God and the Spirit that lives in you.

Pray it! Thank God for His Holy Spirit. Especially during hard times, ask for the Sprit to give you guidance and strength. Ask Him to renew your mind and heart each day. Ask Him to help you strengthen your desire to hang on to the hope that comes through walking in the Spirit through any of life circumstances.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day - May 25, 2009

Pray: Today we honor our military.

As we have our picnics and parades, let us pause to remember those who have given their lives throughout history for our country, for us.

Pray for those who are returning home now and having to adjust to wounds and/or the many changes that have happened while they have been gone.

Pray for those who continue to fight in our military, for our military leaders, and for the families waiting at home.

Remember to say, “Thank you” to the military people you see today and every day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Attitudes to Live By

Monday: Attitude of Kindness
Tuesday: Attitude of Self-control
Wednesday: Attitude of Humbleness, Patience, and Gentleness
Thursday: Attitude of Doing Good
Friday: Attitude of Contentment

Attitude of Contentment

I hope that this week has helped you think about your attitudes and how they are helping or hindering your living the life God wants for you. God wants to bless you in times of plenty and in times of need.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12, 13 (NIV)

Scripture Comment: Paul was content in any situation having whatever he had. He relied on God’s power to give him the strength he needed in order to do what God expected of him. You can rely on that same power to give you all you need. God knows what you need and will give to you according to His will. Paul didn’t focus on what he had, but what he could DO. Paul’s priority was to focus on God and eternity not to gather things on earth. He was thankful for what God had done in his life. Do you rely on your power or God’s power to make it through your days? Do you have an attitude of contentment or are you always looking at what you might have, could have or should have?

Pray: Are you content in your circumstances? Ask God to help you be thankful for what He has given you.

Come back next week: Getting Through Hard Times – Live in the Spirit!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Attitudes to Live By

Monday: Attitude of Kindness
Tuesday: Attitude of Self-control
Wednesday: Attitude of Humbleness, Patience, and Gentleness

Thursday: Attitude of Doing Good
Friday: Attitude of Content

Attitude of Doing Good

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.
Galatians 6:9-10 (NLT)

Many times we can’t do anything about our circumstances. However, we can do something about our attitudes and moods while we are moving through hard times. Honoring God by doing what He has told us He wants us to be doing should be on our hearts through good times and bad times.

Scripture Comment: Paul says to do good to everyone and do it without getting tired. Perseverance is a challenge especially during hard times. But you are not to give up on doing good because your burden has become heavier in your personal life! Doing good during hard times when cash is less, time to commit is uncertain and sacrifices seem overwhelming is a daunting task. Be encouraged to keep doing good for as Paul says, you will be blessed if you don’t give up. Be creative in the thinking of things you can do: share your home for a potluck dinner with friends, help an elderly neighbor with yard work, open a door for someone or exchange encouraging small talk with a stranger when opportunities come your way. You need to direct good deeds to everyone but especially to your fellow Christians, “the family of faith” as Paul calls them. You will be blessed if you take every opportunity to do good for others. You need to remember this when you get worn out doing good things! You need to persevere through every opportunity you are given. Don’t give up! Don’t give up! Keep going! Keep going! Hold on to what is good whatever your circumstances!

Pray: Knowing that you are “to do good” not “try to do good”, what are your challenges of doing good? Talk it over with God. He will help open your eyes to opportunities.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Attitudes to Live By

Monday: Attitude of Kindness
Tuesday: Attitude of Self-control

Wednesday: Attitudes of Humbleness, Patience, & Gentleness
Thursday: Attitude of Doing Good
Friday: Attitude of Content

Humbleness, Patience and Gentleness

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” Ephesians 4:2 (NLT)

Many times we can’t do anything about our circumstances. However, we can do something about our attitudes and moods while we are moving through hard times. Honoring God by doing what He has told us He wants us to be doing should be on our hearts through good times and bad times.

Scripture Comments: During difficult times, stress, helplessness, fears, and feelings of inadequacy have the power to turn your attitudes quickly into actions that attack those around you. You need to make every effort to stay more patient and gentle in your responses to other people. Humble yourself, life is not all about you. Remember that there are other people having difficulties in their lives as well. Be patient with others who are finding it difficult to keep patience and kindness in their hearts due to their circumstances. You need to remind yourself constantly that losing your patience can happen. Again, it is a matter of choosing what you know God expects of you. Before it happens, think about what you will do, what choice will you make, to stop your impatience from escalating and hurting someone. Knowing and doing this may help you avoid hurting others but it doesn’t mean that humbleness, patience and gentleness will be easy to maintain, especially with those you love. However, you must make every effort to do what God expects of you. Admitting to doing something wrong and asking for forgiveness when you slip humbles your heart, puts things right, helps you remember to do better and holds on to what is good, loving God, loving others, and loving yourself.

Pray: Do you need more humbleness, patience, and gentleness in your heart? Do you need to ask for forgiveness or forgive someone else? What do you need to take to God in prayer today?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Attitudes to Live By

Tuesday: Attitude of Self-control
Wednesday: Attitude of Patience
Thursday: Attitude of Doing Good
Friday: Attitude of Content

Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28 (NIV)

Many times we can’t do anything about our circumstances. However, we can do something about our attitudes and moods while we are moving through hard times. Honoring God by doing what He has told us He wants us to be doing should be on our hearts through good times and bad times.

Scripture Comment: We usually think of anger when we think of self-control. However there are many other situations requiring self-control. Recent examples of the US and world-wide financial problems are being traced to individuals and companies with uncontrolled greed. Professional athletes have shown lack of self-control when faced with choices. We assume these people knew what was right, but lack of self-control caused their lives to break down. Alcohol abuse and sexual misconduct, in the news daily, are other items that require self-control. Self-control is NOT always easy. Getting back self-control involves making personal choices, better choices than the path currently being chosen. Lacking self-control usually takes people places where they don’t want their lives to go…where God is not leading. Are you making choices that lead you away from what is good for you and others? Are you allowing yourself to be led away from God and what you know He wants of you? Pray. You can always rely on God to help you when you are weak, feel helpless or don’t know what to do. Perhaps ask a trusted friend to pray with you or choose to attend a Christian recovery program. It is so easy to slip off the path if you don’t pay attention. During hard times, especially, when walls seem to weaken or crumble in your life, you need to pay special attention to what or who is controlling your life.

Pray: Do you have a place in your life you might call a “broken down wall”? Ask God for help in knowing and doing what will help you gain more self-control.
Note you can post your comment or email your comment directly to me. Click on the Email Your Comments to Me link found at the top right-hand column of this blog. It will take you to my email. Thank you!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Attitudes to Live By

Monday: Attitude of Kindness
Tuesday: Attitude of Self-control
Wednesday: Attitude of Patience
Thursday: Attitude of Doing Good
Friday: Attitude of Content

Attitude of Kindness
The Lord has told you, human, what is good; He has told you what he wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God. Micah 6:8 (NCV)

Scripture Comment: Many times we can’t do anything about the circumstances we find ourselves in. However, we can do something about our attitudes and moods while we are moving through hard times. Honoring God should be on our hearts through good times and bad times.

Kind - this is how you are to be. This is to be your way of life. Do you “love being kind to others”? Are you living in obedience to God? Check your attitude, especially during these challenging times.

Many of us are being slowed down by our life circumstances amid the economic times of today. As we move through unsettled times, we should take the opportunity to check on our attitudes. Our attitudes come from our hearts. Keeping a positive attitude in our hearts with a grasp on what is good in our lives will help us live through difficult times. We will not only be helping ourselves but we will be helping those around us as well.

Pray: Check your attitude of kindness. What is God saying to you in today’s scripture?
Note: Starting today you may either post your comment or email your comment directly to me. Click on the Email Your Comments to Me link found at the top of the right hand column of this blog. It will take you to my email. Thank you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Live an Attitude of Prayer

Love Others

Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8 says, Finally all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

Prayer Launch: We are to have an understanding and tender heart for people we come in contact with every day. It is difficult, in the world, not to be judgmental or prideful towards others. We need to remember how much God loves us and wants us to be loving and kind to others. We need to be humble thinking less of ourselves and more of others.

Lord, thank you for hearing my prayers this morning…

I pray that this week has encouraged you that you might live an attitude of prayer by staying in His presence, keeping a thankful heart, sharing the Good News, keeping a servant heart, and always loving others.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Live an Attitude of Prayer

Keep a Servant Heart

Scripture: Colossians 3:23 instructs us:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

Prayer Launch: God calls us to serve others. Our hearts need to be obedient to His call to share His love and what we have with others. Our love for the Lord should overflow into a desire to have a servant’s heart for others. We are not doing it to be seen or honored by people. Our work is to bring honor and glory to God.

Lord, hear my prayer this morning…

Comments: How can you or do you keep a servant’s heart?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Live an Attitude of Prayer

Share the Good News

Scripture: Colossians 4:5-6 provides us with direction as we read,
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Prayer Launch: When we share the Good News of salvation we need to be wise in reaching out so that we do not turn anyone away by our actions and/or our words. We need to keep our eyes and ears open to see and hear the opportunities God brings before us each day to share His love. Our “know[ing] how to answer” may be in the form of encouragement, an act of kindness, taking time to listen to someone who is hurting, or developing a relationship and sharing our faith. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit, who will give us guidance, courage, wisdom, and patient hearts in our conversations. We need to grow stronger in our trust and faith of the Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers today...

Comments: Let us know how you have shared God’s love with someone or how has someone shared God’s love with you?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Live an Attitude of Prayer

Keep a Thankful Heart

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
Psalm 136: 1a (NIV)

Prayer Launch: Before you start thinking about WHAT you’re going to pray for, start by giving thanks to God. “He is good…all the time!” Give thanks continually through your day for the blessings He pours out on you. During hard times reminders of the blessings you have received will help you keep a thankful heart. A thankful heart will make getting through hard times more manageable. I have found it helpful everyday, but especially during hard times, to write down 2 more blessings I am thankful for. It is amazing how my attitude is lifted when I focus on the goodness of the Lord in my life!
Hold on to what is good!

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers today…

Comments: Let us know what gives you a thankful heart

Monday, May 11, 2009

Live an Attitude of Prayer

Topics for this Week:
Stay in His Presence
Tuesday: Keep a Thankful Heart
Wednesday: Share the Good News
Thursday: Keep a Servant Heart
Friday: Always Love Others

Monday - Stay in His presence

Scripture: Revelation 22:17 reads: “The Spirit and the bride, say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!”; Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”

Prayer Launch: Lord, I pray that my thirst, hearing and wishes will be turned into the desire to come to You, to know and experience the joys of salvation I have in Christ. I pray for myself and others that you help us grow stronger in You; staying in Your presence by making time to study Your word, pray and live out our faith daily according to Your will. Let us constantly look for people around us that we may invite to come and drink.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayers today...

Comments: Let us know how you stay in His presence?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray, Part 2

Friday – Pray Daily: A.C.T.S. - Put it together

A – Adoration – As you go through your day, pause and praise Him for His great love, His faithfulness and who He is to you at that moment.

C – Confession – Turn to God admitting your sin and asking forgiveness. Ask for guidance and strength to not repeat your sin and to let go of it, forgiving yourself.

T – Thanksgiving – There are so many things to be thankful for, in hard times and good times.

S – Supplication – Make requests for you and also get outside yourself. Pray for your family, a sick or troubled friend, missionaries, neighbors, your church…

Prayer is not about a formula, such as A.C.T.S., but it can help you launch your prayer life. I hope that this week has been meaningful to you whether prayer is a new experience or a daily habit.

Pause now, bow your head and pray…just talk and listen to God.

How does prayer make a difference in your life? Share thoughts in your comments

Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pray for America today!
For more information go to:

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray, Part 2

Thursday – Pray Daily: Supplication

Scripture Prayer Prompt – Supplication: In Philippians 4: 19 it says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

I come to you, Lord not only with requests for myself but for all children, families, neighbors, friends, churches, military and the leaders in our country.

I come seeking your wisdom, your guidance and direction, your comfort, your peace but most of all I seek Your will. Hear my prayers, Lord, as I share the desires of my heart for myself and others.

How does prayer help you get through hard times and celebrate joyous times? Share in your comments.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray, Part 2

Wednesday – Pray Daily: Thanksgiving

Scripture Prayer Prompt – Thanksgiving: It says in
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Give thanks to God for experiencing His blessings, His care, His peace, His grace, freedom, joy, love, power, forgiveness, prayer and hope.

Hear me, Lord, as I lift up my prayers of thanksgiving to You.

What are you thankful for today? Please share some in your comments.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray, Part 2

Tuesday – Pray Daily: Confession

Scripture Prayer Prompt – Confession: We read in James 4:8-10: “Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts….Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

As you confess…Open your heart and be honest with the Lord asking His forgiveness for your sins. God already knows your sins and is waiting for you to turn to Him.

Dear Lord, as I bow my head, come near and hear my prayer of confession.

Leave comments of encouragement today for fellow pray-ers.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray, Part 2

Prayer is simply talking and listening to God, our good and loving Father.

This week we will pray together using the different areas of prayer within the acrostic, A.C.T.S. For those who would like prayer assistance, the acrostic A.C.T.S. can be helpful [A=Adoration or worship; C=Confession; T=Thanksgiving; S=Supplication, requests for oneself and others].

Use the prayer prompt each day to enter into your daily time of prayer.

Don’t forget to leave a daily comment. It would be great to know who is joining in prayer this week!

Monday - Pray Daily: Adoration

Scripture Prayer Prompt - Adoration: Psalm 103:1 says to, “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.”

Dear Heavenly Father, I humbly come before You remembering who You are. I want to praise You for Your love, Your faithfulness, and Your indescribable gift of Your Son, Jesus.

Lord, hear the words of my heart as I bow my head to praise You...

Let’s praise God together! Leave words of praise and adoration in your comments.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Getting Through Hard Times - Pray

One Verse, Many Thoughts on Prayer

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

Scripture Comments: “Pray in the Spirit,” is how we are to pray. God is with us. We are further told to pray “on all occasions” using all different kinds of prayers. Included in the different prayers are our “requests.” Knowing this we come alive and alert in the spirit. We should always pray for all our brothers and sisters in the faith.

Remember that God will help you when you cannot put your thoughts and requests into words. Ask him to help you calm and focus your thoughts. You will be able to put your requests before Him. Remember to pray not just for yourself but reach outside yourself to include others you may or may not know. Be especially mindful of others during the current hard times.

God is always with you but he does his most powerful work within you when you are with him. If you haven’t found that quiet place, or haven’t committed to spending time in prayer each day remember the p-word, persistence. Persistence will get you there. God is waiting.

Do you [or don't you] have a quiet place? Post your thoughts to lead into a discussion.