Thursday, March 26, 2009

Keep in Step With the Spirit

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 (NIV)

Talk it! Every part of our life is transformed when we are under the control of the Holy Spirit. We are pleasing to God when “we live by the spirit”. To resist falling into the desires that lead us into living sinful lives we must keep “in step with the spirit”.

Live it! Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and walk in step with the spirit. Pursue a closer relationship with God so you will know when you are in step with Him. Examine your life and get rid of sins and situations that keep you from following and including more of God in your life. Persevere in making time each day for getting to know Him through prayer and His Word (reading and studying). Take the steps necessary to live it in your life!

Pray it! Thank God for all He has done to keep you from falling off the path. Ask that he help you never forget that He is by your side to guide and direct your steps, to protect you and to provide for you. Confess that sometimes you forget to look to Him and keep in step with Him. Pray that you guard your time to meet with Him daily in prayer and His Word. Ask Him to help you keep your eyes focused on Him and where He wants you to go.

Please post your thoughts.

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