Monday, October 26, 2009

Grandmom's Faith

Growing up I loved spending time with my Grandmother Rachel.

“Everything’s going to be okay because Grandmom says so.”

That’s what I always heard when I shared my fears, sadnesses or hopes with grandmother. She would give me a crushing grandmom hug, make her declaration and that would be the end of our conversation. It was always comforting.

When I left home to go to college, we would talk over the phone. At the end of our conversation grandmom would always tell me that she was praying for me every day.

As an adult I look back and can see the strength of grandmom’s faith. I know that Grandmom was a woman of prayer. She really believed in the power of prayer. As she prayed, she truly believed, she knew, that God would answer her prayer.

Grandmom never talked about her faith. She lived her faith everyday. She was a quiet witness to those who knew her and loved her.

After all these years, there are still times when I hear a voice within me say, “Everything’s okay because grandmom says so.” With a smile I am prompted to take my concern to God in prayer.

Today’s Scripture Thought: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24 (NIV)

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