Friday, January 16, 2009

Today: Psalm 66:1-2

Shout with joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of His name;
make His praise glorious! (NIV)

All together now-applause for God!
Sing songs to the tune of His glory.
Set glory to the rhythms of His praise. (The Message)

Let's take time this morning to bow before a great God.
Post comments of praise and thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Judy Webb said...

As I sit at my computer and look out the front bay window of my living room, the sun is making its appearance. It is well below zero, snow covers the front lawn and hangs in clumps from the bare tree branches, the sun is glistening on the snow and I am applauding God's work. He is the master and deserving of all glory. Thank you God that you care enough to make a bitterly cold day filled with sunshine! Amen.