Sunday, October 9, 2011

God's Creation

For you make me glad by your deeds, LORD;
I sing for joy at what your
have done.  Psalm 92:4

Have you noticed the blaze of color that surrounds you? The leaves on the trees seem to have turned overnight and the weather has encouraged them to hang on for a while.

Yesterday I took a shortcut through a neighborhood to get to our home. As I rounded a curve, I was startled by a huge tree. It stood by itself, completely filling a front yard. It thrust a bright sunshine of yellow leaves into the sky. It was breathtaking.

I was driving to make my way home but my eyes were drawn to all of the trees lining the streets and the mixtures of color. I decided to take an extra loop around the neighborhood to enjoy more and give my mind a break from the day’s routine. It was a great distraction and I felt recharged when I pulled into the driveway.

I thank God for putting this display in front of me. This beautiful distraction reminded me to pause in my hectic day and praise Him for His awesome blessings. I need to pause during each day to refresh my heart. I need to thank Him for the blessings I have received and those that are new with each day. God is good to me…all the time!


Judy Webb said...

Ah, yes, all the time. Even those days when I don't feel blessed, if I pause and take a look around, I too can see Him.

Each season brings with it some type of breath-taking moments. Fall is fantastic color, Winter is white wonder, Spring is surging new life and Summer is spectacular scents.

Enjoy your day and see you next week.

Judy Mathis said...

It is awesome to pause, take a deep breath and just say, "Hello God" when I see the works of His hands. I feel so blessed and loved...and everything comes to peace.

Yes!! look forward to seeing you!