Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Thoughts for Today

I want to share how much God empowers my life. I love Him so greatly, it is difficult to explain except to say: He gives peace, direction, and purpose to my life. Without focusing on Him and the Scriptures I would become lost in the world. Without His direction I would be overcome with worry, devastated by grief with no peace, joy, comfort or love.

I am created “in the image of God.” I pray that when He looks at me, He sees something of Himself in me. Love is what God is all about. Loving is what I try to be about in my life. 

God’s Word holds me accountable to strive to be the best I can be under any circumstance. I don’t always succeed, but I always feel His loving forgiveness even when it is hard to forgive myself.

It is sometimes a challenge to love those around me, but I have learned that I can find something to love about every person if I look hard enough. I have to take judgment out of my heart and mind; take myself out of my prides and prejudices to find what God wants me to see. It isn’t easy, but God asks it of me, so I work at it.

God has shown me that the person needing the most love is the one not feeling loved. Everyone is important to God and therefore they ought to be to me as well. 

When life is overwhelming, I know God is there. His Words come to me when I need to hear them. He wraps me in the peace and comfort of His Words.

Everyone’s relationship with God is unique and personal. Your relationship and journey is different because God has unique plans for your life. 

However, God’s message remains the same for everyone: For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

I pray these words touch your heart as they touch mine.

Keep these words on your heart and mind always. Reach out and claim the love He has for you throughout your day.

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