Monday, July 13, 2009

Build Your Personal Relationship with God

There are passages in the Bible where God asked people to write down accounts of happenings so that people generation after generation would hear about them and not forget. On one occasion, Joshua had defeated the Amalekites. During the battle, as long as Moses held up his hands to God for help, the Isaraelites were winning. But Moses’ hands grew tired. They had to be held up by two men until the Amalekites were defeated. What a story!

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it.” Exodus 17:14 (NIV)

Do you write down your experiences with God? Write your stories so you will remember. Remembering the hope you have in trusting God by reading your entries of God’s presence in your life can be uplifting when you are going through hard times.

Perhaps each day you might write down the blessings you are thankful for at that time. Again use these entries to hang on to what is good in your life when things in your life are overwhelming.

Don’t like to write or journal? You can enjoy God’s presence by looking around you and taking in the things He has created. Be thankful and happy in the day God has given you by taking opportunities while driving, standing in lines, or waiting to pick up your children to talk with Him. He’s with you all day not just during your daily prayer time, so acknowledge His presence throughout the day.

I am taking time off until September from my daily blog to work on some other devotional projects. My prayer is that you will continue to build your personal relationship with God by reading and studying scripture and daily prayer. Look and listen for God in your day, He is there!

You are welcome to email me using the email address found at the top of the right column. I would love hearing from you.

My blog dates back to December 2008 so check them out by clicking on the archives list.

See you in the Fall! Judy

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