Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Filled With Joy

I was sitting in an atrium within a medical complex. I had taken along my computer for catching up on some writing while I waited on my husband to finish physical therapy. 

I looked up lost in thought and noticed an excited little woman entering the area. She was holding a sheet of paper in front of her. She walked with a limp and little quick steps. I watched as she walked to each table within the atrium. She wore a long cotton three-tiered aqua skirt topped with a bright yellow shirt. Yellow sneakers peaked out from her skirt.

Everyone greeted her with friendliness. There was a high-five, a clap, and as she did a little dance to one table, the young lady joined in swaying to the silent music.

I wanted to know what the paper said. It seemed forever before she was moving to my table. She quick stepped over. As she stood in front of me, I came face to face with the most joyful blue eyes! Her smile was crooked due to a large scar on the side of her face. She gave me a thumbs up as she pointed to her sign. My thumb went up to meet hers as I read, “God is good to me.” She drummed on my table and sped away.

On her way she waved to each individual table as if to say, “Be happy. God is good."

As I went back to what I was doing I couldn’t help but think about the sweet lady and the message she brought for us to pause and appreciate. Some of her troubles were obvious. I’m sure there were more that only she knew. But, in spite of her pain and maybe because of her pain, she was finding joy in knowing that God was by her side…and she wanted to share her peace and happiness.

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Take Time to Rest

I don’t need an alarm clock. I always awaken to the bell on my cat’s collar as she dashes up the steps and gently pushes open the bedroom door. The squeak of the door announces “Ruthie time”. She jumps gently onto the bed. I can feel the give of the covers as she marches up slowly to sit near my face. She stares at me wanting me to acknowledge her presence.

I tease her by lying still with my eyes closed. Ruthie increases the intensity of her purr and places a paw on my nose.

I open the covers, hoping she wants to cat nap a few more minutes. Ruthie responds by nuzzling my arm and padding in a circle. She flops down in anticipation of her morning ear rub. I can’t resist her sweet impatience. I rub her ears, under her chin, and all the way down her back ending with a quick slide off her tail. Her jet black fur feels silky and warm as she cuddles against me. She brings smiles to my heart as I lay back and relax during our morning routine. I enjoy this quiet time of peace and comfort before my hectic day.

Ruthie came into our family [that’s another story] three years ago. She has stolen my heart and adjusted my perspective on life. She has shown me how to take time to just relax and enjoy the day.

"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest"— Proverbs 6:10

Friday, August 19, 2011

Keeping God in My Day

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
(Psalm 118:24 NIV)

I like my busy days filled with purpose. My mind and heart are renewed when I am productive with my time; especially when I am aware of God's presence.

Today my busy day has felt like I have been on a treadmill heading no where. I have been pulled here and there. It has been a difficult day to focus on anything that really needs to be done.

I feel a pity party ready to launch.

As I pull into my driveway, I catch sight of the Rose of Sharon lining the back of my yard. While I have been busy hurrying here and there flowers of pink, purple, and white have burst into bloom. As I walk to the back yard I am amazed at the beautiful display.

I spend time walking along the row of flowers. I pull some branches down to look closer at the beauty of the colors and their rich centers. I take some pictures. I feel myself enjoying the pause in my day. I am feeling refreshed.

Spending time in my garden has brought God closer. I have a better perspective and attitude within. I have found joy and happiness in my day.

My prayer for today is that I don’t lose sight of God throughout my day; that I guard my time, not allowing busyness and distractions to crowd out the blessings He has for me.