Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Watch Your Speed!

Recently the speed limit on a heavily traveled two lane street in my neighborhood was reduced from 35 mph to 25 mph. Most drivers have seized the opportunity to slow down and relax. However every morning, I can see in my rear view mirror someone who needs on the spot anger management training. Do you know what I’m talking about?

It’s hard to maintain the 25 mph speed on a very long stretch of road. Sometimes my speedometer creeps up to just below 30 mph. I stay within a safe range because I know that there’s an occasional police car hiding on a side street. I’ve also witnessed cars being stopped for speeding. That is not how I want to start my day.

Occasionally I’ve seen someone pass another car which is maintaining the posted speed. It’s totally illegal but the driver is just too impatient to stay in line. I’ve seen lots of interesting facial expressions, steering wheel gripping, hand gestures and flashing of headlights.

The person who rides on my bumper brings me the greatest concern. I usually pull to the curb and let that person pass. I admit that I have reduced my speed even more just to make my point to an obnoxious driver behind me. That’s not my best behavior!

Very seldom do these agitated drivers save any time. I have observed that for all the stress and anger the hurried driver puts himself through, he usually ends up at the red light or stop sign with me right behind him.

So I will continue going the speed limit, ignoring the heated people and occasionally offering a prayer for their day.

Scripture Thought for Today: A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
Proverbs 29:11 (NIV)

Read Proverbs 29:11 on Biblegateway

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