Sunday, November 13, 2011

YOU Choose Your Attitude - Good Morning, God!

This is the day the Lord has made,we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24  (KJV)

When I wake up in the morning I make lots of choices. Everyday I choose what I am going to wear, what I’ll have for breakfast; IF I will have breakfast, or if I will stop at my favorite coffee shop for a cup of coffee or tea to start my day. 

I have made it a habit to wake up and say “Good morning, God, thank you for this day." I try to start my day by choosing the attitude I am going to wear throughout my day.

I'm not perfect and I don't live in a perfect world. Sometimes circumstances in life get in the way of how I want to approach my day.Through the years I have learned that I need to look for the good things in my life. Even in rough circumstances I can find good things happening in my life to focus on and help me through! As I do this I am reminded that God has always helped me through and I can trust He will again and again.

With God’s help and the right attitude, we can awaken refreshed and our lives can be renewed each morning. 

Let’s try this, when we wake up in the morning let’s think on Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the Lord has made, [I] will rejoice and be glad in it.  We can choose our attitude and refuse to let anything or anyone take away the joy the Lord wants to give us for the day.

Today's Prayer Suggestion: Thank God for each day He gives you. Thank Him for the joyful blessings He gives you each day. Ask Him to help you live an attitude of gratefulness and love each day, regardless of your circumstances, so others may see the joy you have in Him.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Take off the Masks

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

I remember driving by a parade of preschoolers in their Halloween costumes. They were being led around the block by a small band! Some kids were walking on tiptoes; others were stretching arms and legs. They were having so much fun! It was entertaining to watch them pretend to be someone or something they weren’t. Little kids love to fantasize.

Many adults are good at pretending. They wear masks as they walk through their day. I’ve seen smiles hide anxiety and constant pain. I’ve recognized anger coming from deep hurts and addictions. I’ve heard excuses meant to cover fears and uncertainties. I’ve been there as well.

Some adults decide to take off their masks. The realities of life become too difficult to carry and too difficult to hide. For adults it can be a real struggle to reveal personal stories. Being honest can bring consequences. Some consequences are perceived but honesty can also lead to traumatic experiences. What will people think? Will I appear weak or out of control? Who might be affected by what I reveal? How much is too much to tell?

It is not easy to reveal the realities of our lives. It requires us to be honest about where we are in life, what we are doing, what we aren’t doing, what we could be doing, and why we are holding on to things that are taking us places we don’t want to be going. Asking friends for support, to pray with us, and hold us accountable helps us overcome our obstacles in life.

For me, being honest starts with the person who is first in my life. Is it me or is it God? Is God leading me or am I going it alone? Am I feeling God’s comfort and peace or am I responsible for my trouble and sadness? When I do the things I don’t want to do, do I remember that it is God who will save me, forgive me and put me on the right path? Do I hold in my heart the One who created me and do I believe that He is THE ONE that is best to help me get on the path I am to follow? Adjusting my life to more of Him and less of me is what is needed to go where I need to be.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Live Outside Ourselves

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way
you will fulfill the law of Christ
Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

I read in the newspaper about a 66 year old man who had seriously injured his knees. He was unable to walk, had surgery, and had to stay in a rehabilitation center. His inability to function within his two-story home kept him from being able to go home. 

A neighbor of his had purchased their home from a handicapped person. They heard that their elderly neighbor’s recovery depended on his ability to return to a comfortable, easily accessible home. They immediately offered their handicapped friendly ranch home to the man and his wife. The neighbor didn’t have a problem knowing that the man’s recovery could take several weeks or several months. 

The elderly couple was reluctant at first, but eventually accepted the kind offer. On the day the man was discharged, the two neighbors exchanged homes.

The article continues relating how these two couples and other neighbors, who joined in, helped work through a very difficult situation together.

Isn’t this an awesome story of loving and caring? The couple, who offered their home didn’t think twice about doing what they did! They said that they just felt it was the right thing to do!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength.' The second is this:
'Love your neighbor as yourself.
'There is no commandment greater than these.
Mark 29:30-31 (NIV)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Thoughts for Today

I want to share how much God empowers my life. I love Him so greatly, it is difficult to explain except to say: He gives peace, direction, and purpose to my life. Without focusing on Him and the Scriptures I would become lost in the world. Without His direction I would be overcome with worry, devastated by grief with no peace, joy, comfort or love.

I am created “in the image of God.” I pray that when He looks at me, He sees something of Himself in me. Love is what God is all about. Loving is what I try to be about in my life. 

God’s Word holds me accountable to strive to be the best I can be under any circumstance. I don’t always succeed, but I always feel His loving forgiveness even when it is hard to forgive myself.

It is sometimes a challenge to love those around me, but I have learned that I can find something to love about every person if I look hard enough. I have to take judgment out of my heart and mind; take myself out of my prides and prejudices to find what God wants me to see. It isn’t easy, but God asks it of me, so I work at it.

God has shown me that the person needing the most love is the one not feeling loved. Everyone is important to God and therefore they ought to be to me as well. 

When life is overwhelming, I know God is there. His Words come to me when I need to hear them. He wraps me in the peace and comfort of His Words.

Everyone’s relationship with God is unique and personal. Your relationship and journey is different because God has unique plans for your life. 

However, God’s message remains the same for everyone: For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

I pray these words touch your heart as they touch mine.

Keep these words on your heart and mind always. Reach out and claim the love He has for you throughout your day.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Live Outside Ourselves

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

When “we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” God puts opportunities in our path. Helping others and serving is not voluntary. We are to help and serve ALL people. That includes nonbelievers and believers. Our focus should be “the family of believers” regardless of church or denomination. However our helping and serving should reach outside to nonbelievers as well. Doing so will open ears and hearts to hearing and experiencing the good news.

Betty has serious health problems and is on oxygen. Arriving at therapeutic water exercise class in a wheelchair, she needs help entering the pool. The length of tube running from her oxygen tank allows her to move the width of the pool. 

The first time I met her, she told me she had not walked across the pool. As we talked, for whatever reason, we began walking toward the other side of the pool. Betty's face lit up with a beautiful smile of accomplishment upon reaching the other side.

I asked her if she wanted to walk back. “Only if you go with me, honey,” she said. 

Our laughter caused others to gather around us. Betty's pool friends were aware of her needs. One voice started, then others chimed in, "Go, Betty. Go Betty." Eventually everyone in the pool, with arms raised and chanting, walked with Betty across the pool. When she touched the other side, high fives, clapping, and laughter echoed around the pool area. Betty shed happy tears.

Betty walks across the pool frequently now. She gets tired and progresses slowly. Sometimes she has to stop. When she moves it's always with an attitude of happy commitment. 

The support of pool friends lessens the burden of her poor health. She needs people continuing to cheer her on, give her hope, and encouragement. Her smiles reflect a grateful and peaceful heart.

Look around you…reach out…whose burdens
need to be lightened today?